
Posttraumatic growth and taking care of a child with special needs

02 September 2016

Posttraumatic growth refers to the benefits in various aspects of life which can occur as a result of the advent, duration and conclusion of distressing life events. The relationship between taking care of a child with special health care needs, depressive symptoms and posttraumatic growth of the mother will be examined. The results of this study could provide insights into the aspects which can influence a greater posttraumatic growth in mothers of children with special health care needs.


Ethical approval

Ethical approval has been received from the International Online Research Ethics Committee of the University of Liverpool.

About the researcher

Dear Potential Survey Participant,

My name is Cheryl Skellekie, a Master of Science in Mental Health Psychology student of the University of Liverpool.

I am conducting a survey for my research dissertation on Depressive symptoms, taking care of a child with special healthcare needs and posttraumatic growth.
Your participation would assist in examining the level of depressive symptoms of mothers who are the primary caregivers of children with special needs and the impact this may have on their personal growth. There are no rewards (financial or otherwise) associated with your participation in this survey.

All responses provided in this survey shall remain strictly confidential, and anonymous (no personal information is required) and the responses provided would be used exclusively for the purpose of this research.

Thank you for your participation.

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